Huge in Helsinki

Huge in Helsinki
Don't need a weather man to tell which way the wind blows!

Friday 16 February 2018

Rocket Science #10:02

"If you're going to play it out of tune, then play it out of tune properly"

1: Hit the North - Frank Sidebottom
2: Bingo-Master's Break Out! - The Fall
3: Standing On the Edge of Tomorrow - The Damned
4: Hey Heartbreaker - Dream Wife
5: I Want You - Inspiral Carpets
6: Skint Kids Disco - No Hot Ashes
7: Queen - Tracey Thorn
8: Distant Colours - Manic Street Preachers
9: Everything Is You - The Yearning
10: I Am Mark E Smith - The Fat White Family
11: Art On 45 - Royal Family & The Poor
12: Nameless, Faceless - Courtney Barnett
13: Suck the Blood From My Wound - Ezra Furman
14: Yo! My Saint - Karen O
15: Lazy Boy - Franz Ferdinand
16: The Man - Goat Girl
17: Mr. Pharmacist - The Fall
18: Me and Michael - MGMT
19: Count It Up - Field Music
20: Alone Again (Naturally) - Gilbert O'Sullivan
21: Hit The North - The Fall

Mark Edward Smith (5 March 1957 – 24 January 2018)

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